If you came in here early this evening, you might have noticed that things looked a little wacky there for awhile. Our gracious host Merv has upgraded the MT system to version 3.0 and that was just the dust from the reconstruction.

Most things are pretty much the same as before. I do notice that there are no longer popup windows for comments. I may be able to restore those if anyone misses them, but I’m still learning the system.

You also will probably see (above the comment window) a query about signing in/registering for TypeKey. I haven’t decided yet if I’m going to require registration. For now, I don’t think I’ll have to, but things change sometimes. But I think I’ll encourage everyone to sign up anyway. For one thing, TypeKey remembers your personal information so you won’t have to type it in every time. (Though if you’re on a public computer, you better sign out.)