– MLB – Box Score – Braves at Astros

Horacio gave up a three-run homer in the first and seven runs in 1 2/3 innings, before getting literally knocked out on a line drive to the forehead.  Hopefully he’ll be okay.  Villareal came in to make it nine.  Jordan dropped a ball on a pickoff that could have gotten them out of the first unscathed, but at a certain point the pitcher has to bear responsibility.  The game was 9-4, and not wanting to risk a comeback that would lead to an eighteen-inning game, Bobby brought in Reitsma to give up five runs in the sixth.

I don’t really want to recap this debacle.  Let’s talk about who has to go.

Needs to retire: Jordan, Pratt.

Needs to be sent to Richmond:  Francoeur (who did have a homer and a triple, but that hardly makes up for the rest of his play this series), Orr, Paronto, Yates, Villareal.

Needs to go to the bullpen: Thomson, Sosa.

Needs to check into some sort of clinic:  Reitsma, Marcus (0-5 today).

Needs to be playing most of the time:  Betemit.

Call up:  Brayan Pena, Jurries, L’il Tony, Prado, Duran, Barry, Stockman, James, Baker.

This is a really radical restructuring, and won’t happen, but this just isn’t working.

Renteria had four hits (one a homer), and the Braves actually had eleven hits as a team, but it really didn’t matter.