Being a custodian means that you want to leave a place better than you found it. I hope I’ve been a custodian. I think Braves Journal is better than when I found it, anyway. I got the sense that Alex was running on fumes trying to replace Mac Thomason, and that’s why I was very willing to take over Braves Journal. I’ve not been here as long as some of you, but I’ve still been around since the early 2000’s. I’m really not a very good writer, certainly not to the level of Mac or Alex, but the site needed a jolt, and if nothing else, I know I’ve done that. On a personal note, one of my goals was do enough writing so that I would become a better writer, and I think I can half-check that box.

It also probably helped that I’m a bit of a confrontational person, and throughout The Great Rebuild, this place became a negative place at times, and I think some personalities really dominated the tenor of the discourse in the comments. I think the site needed some push-back in that area. Did I maybe shift the site too close to Polyanna? I actually had a couple people tell me that, and that’s probably true. It didn’t hurt that we won division titles the two years that I was the editor.

At any rate, in April of this year, I asked Ryan Cothran if he was interested in doing more writing for our site and to consider eventually take it over. Ryan has a lot of respect for the long-standing history of the site and didn’t want to crash it, so he began simply writing pieces for Braves Journal instead of the blog he was on. But I’m glad Ryan saw that the community here is strong, and Ryan has already started launching things that make the site even better. Did you get a shirt? I know I did. Have you listened to the podcast? I haven’t missed a second. It’s good stuff.

Ryan also has a unique ability to round up some of the folks that have been doing excellent work in the blogosphere and getting them to come write for us. We’ve already seen some new faces that have contributed some excellent content for the site. Ryan’s a unifier, and the The Flags Flying podcast is a great example of that. If you’ve not listened yet, it’s hosted by 3 guys from different blogs: Kris Willis of Talking Chop, Brent Blackwell from Outfield Fly Rule, and of course, Ryan from Braves Journal. I think it will be yet another way of bringing new readers, which will lead to a better community in the comments and potentially more unique content.

I know the site will continue to grow, and I’ll still be here helping any way that I can including continuing to write. Thank you for being a reader of Braves Journal, and please give Ryan your full support.
