Andrelton Simmons standing on a baseball field with a glove on his hand is a web gem waiting to happen, and this winter Braves Journal is going to determine which of his gems is the best of his best—his Jadeite. For the full rules, check out the introduction.

Round 1: High vs. Low


Editor’s Pitch: Everything Simmons does is so smooth. The way he lands on his feet would give you the impression he had just reached over and caught a soft toss during warmups, not jumped a foot off the ground to snag a hard line drive. His nonchalant demeanor alone would never clue you in that he had just robbed someone of a hit.


Editor’s Pitch: When you watch the slo-mo replay at the end, it is obvious this play wasn’t as easy as Simmons made it look, because he couldn’t figure out how to catch it. He thought about going down to a knee, realized he needed to move more to get closer to the ball, and then just went to a knee and slid at the same time. That meant he was essentially tripping over his own foot when he caught the ball. In real time, however, it didn’t look like a difficult play at all. He’s deceptively good.