H1 Heading (Never Use in a Post)

H2 Heading (Use for subheadings)

H3 Heading (Use for sub-subheadings)

H4 Heading (Rarely if ever use)

H5 Heading (Never use)
H6 Heading (Never use)

(Always Keep Headings Aligned Left)

This is a normal paragraph of text. This is a normal paragraph of text. This is a normal paragraph of text. This is a normal paragraph of text. This is a normal paragraph of text. This is a normal paragraph of text. This is a normal paragraph of text. This is a normal paragraph of text. This is a normal paragraph of text.

This is a blockquote, used for placing in a quote from a source of some sort. The source is preferred but optional. Use this style most often.

Source of Quote

This is another style of blockquote, use for placing in a quote from a source of some sort. The source is preferred but optional. Use this style sparingly.

Source of Quote
  • This is
  • An Unordered
  • Bullet List
  • Of Items
  1. This is
  2. An Ordered
  3. Bullet List
  4. Of Items
This is an image with a caption. Consider a caption for every image. Consider adding photographer source. Captions can help with SEO and credibility.

*All Images should be at least 600 pixels wide, preferably 1000-1200px. If you’re getting an image from Google (or another image source), make sure you click the image to open it up. Save the full image, not the thumbnail.

This text is bold.

This text is italic.

This text is centered. Almost never use this.

This text is right aligned. Almost never use this.

This is a link in text.

This isatable

This is a special paragraph style for announcements and alerts. To be primarily used by administrators to communicated important information. This is a special paragraph style for announcements and alerts. To be primarily used by administrators to communicated important information.